
A. Elsheikh “Modelica pure unit testing: from mathematical algorithms to physical modeling” , OpenModelica Annual Workshop , Linköping, Sweden, February 2019 (presentation)

J. P. Axelsson and A. Elsheikh, “An example of sensitivity analysis of a bioprocess using Bioprocess Library for Modelica”, MODPROD Workshop, Linköping, Sweden, February 2019 (presentation)

A. Elsheikh “Dynamic parameter sensitivities: summary of computation methods for continuous-time Modelica models”, The 13th International Modelica Conference, Regensburg, Germany, March 2019 (paper)

A. Elsheikh and P. Palensky, “Modelica by Application: Power Systems”, V 1.0.7, October 2021, currently a self-published book (Webpage)

Remark: Dr. Axelsson and Prof. Palensky are co-authors and not members of