About me
I am a German Egyptian with mixed ethnicity. I was born in Germany and raised up in both countries. I consider my self to be a Mathematician in first place despite of my education in Computer Science.
I work in the Modelica domain since 2006. I have implemented / participated in implementation of at least four open-source Modelica libraries. I have developed couple of opensource tools (see my github website) and participated at couple of opensource software projects. I have five papers at Modelica conferences. I am a member of the Modelica association and open source Modelica consortium.
BSc. & Diploma Mathematics, Kuwait University (1999 & 2001). CS was my secondary major
MSc. RWTH Aachen, Germany, Systems Software Engineering (Scientific Computing, 2005)
PhD RWTH Aachen in Computer Science (2013)
Dissertation title: Modelica-based Computational Tool for Sensitivity Analysis via Automatic Differentiation
Major Work Experiences
[05/2006 – 09/2010] Scientific Assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) University Siegen, Germany (full time position starting from 2008)
[01/2009-09/2010] Guest co-worker, Institute of Biotechnology, Research Center Jülich, Germany
[10/2011 – 03/2016] Energy department, Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna Austria
[Winter Semester 2017] Part-time Assistant Professor, International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Some Open Source Modelica Libraries
GENKINETICS (December 2018-March 2021): Modeling biochemical reaction networks using generalized kinetics (GitHub)
ADGENKINETICS (first release 2012): A so called algorithmically differentiated library of Genkinetics capable of simulating parameter sensitivities at Modelica level (GitHub)
ADMSL (first release 2014): An algorithmically differentiated library of a part of the MSL (Modelica Standard Library) as demonstrative example how to model parameter sensitivities of Modelica models (GitHub)
Contributed to XogenyTest (October 2018) : Modelica library for unit testing of Modelica libraries (GitHub)
Main Maintainer of the BioChem library (GitHub)
Selected Publications
A. Elsheikh and Peter Palensky “Modelica-based technologies for power system modeling applications”, First public version V1.0, Sep. 2021 (GitHub Main Website)
Journal articles
- A. Elsheikh and W. Wiechert “The structural index of sensitivity equations”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 2018 (URL)
- A. Elsheikh “An equation-based algorithmic differentiation technique for differential algebraic equations”, Journal of Computational and applied Mathematics, 2015 (URL)
- A. Elsheikh “Derivative-based hybrid heuristics for continuous-time simulation optimization”, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. Special issue on Simulation-Optimization, 2014 (Preprint ResearchGate)
- P. Palensky, E. Widl and A. Elsheikh “Simulating cyber-physical energy systems: challenges, tools and methods” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2013 (URL Request privately on ResearchGate)
- W. Wiechert, S. Noack and A. Elsheikh “Modeling languages for biochemical network simulation: Reaction vs. Equation-based approaches” Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology 121:109-138, 2010 (URL Request privately on ResearchGate)
Conference publication
- A. Elsheikh “Dynamic parameter sensitivities: Summary of computation methods for continuous-time Modelica models” Modelica Conference, Regensbrug, Germany, Mar. 2019 (URL ResearchGate)
- A. Elsheikh “Modeling parameter sensitivities via equation-based algorithmic differentiation techniques – The ADMSL Library”, Modelica Conference, Lund, Sweden, 2014 (URL ResearchGate)
- A. Elsheikh, M. U. Awais, E. Widl and P. Palensky “Modelica-enabled rapid prototyping of cyber-physical energy systems via the functional mockup interface” IEEE Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical
Energy Systems, Berkeley CA, USA, May 2013 (URL ResearchGate) - A. Elsheikh “ADGenKinetics: An algorithmically differentiated library for biochemical network modeling via simplified kinetics formats” Modelica’2012: The 9th International Modelica Conference, Munich. Germany, 2012 (URL ResearchGate)
- M. Almulla and A. Elsheikh, “Practical heuristics for solving problems with serializable subgoals” the 6th international symposium on artificial intelligence and mathematics, Florid, USA, Jan. 2000
- Pure Modelica Unit Testing: from Mathematical Algorithms to Physical Modeling, The OpenModelica Annual Workshop, Linköping, Sweden, Feb. 2019 (Slides ResearchGate)
- Automatic Sensitivity Analysis of DAE systems generated from Equation-based Modeling Languages, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dec. 2013 (Slides ResearchGate)
Actual publication list: ResearchGate , GoogleScholar, Semantic Scholar
Quick Statistics regarding publications
I have published so far 30 peer-reviewed publications (6 journal papers, 1 book chapter, 21 conference papers and 2 Theses) and a book. Here are some quick statistics
- 3 journal papers as a first author 2 of which as a unique author and all of which are in Mathematics
- 11 conference papers as a first author 5 of which as a unique author
- 19 Publications about/around Modelica
- 7 publications contained “Modelica” in the title
- additional 12 publications contained “Modelica” in the keyword list
- 5 publications at Modelica conferences
- 8 Publications about/around FMI-based technologies
- Only 4 publications have not to do at all with Modelica / FMI
- 5 Publications at Modelica conferences (2008,2010,2012,2014,2019)
- Only 2 of which contained the word “Modelica” in the title
- “Modelica” was not used in the keyword list